Channel: Clinton Foundation – AMERICAN TODAY
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NOOO! Hillary Clintons Is BACK, And You Won’t Believe What She’s Doing!


Following Hillary Clinton’s embarrassing loss to President Trump in the November election, many Americans thought, or maybe hoped that Clinton would take this opportunity to cease and desist her political career. This doesn’t seem to be the plan, though, as friends of Clinton are saying that she hopes to be back on the campaign trail soon, fundraising. Reports are that she has no intention of stepping away from the political arena any time soon.

According to a former Democratic Senator from the Clinton’s home state of Arkansas, Mark Pryor “The Democratic Party does need new blood, new faces, and I don’t think Bill or Hillary Clinton would ever want to get back and run for anything.”

Via Politico, Clinton’s friends have been weighing in on what is next for Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. While many have suggested that running for office again is unlikely, they have also asserted that the Clintons will continue to have influence behind the scenes in the Democrat Party.

Even if both of the Clintons take a back seat in this next election cycle, they both still have allies that are up for re-election across the country and if reports are correct, they plan to throw their weight behind those races.

“If someone they knew was running for the Senate or the statehouse or city hall, it would be out of character for them not to be supportive,” said Mack McLarty, Bill Clinton’s original White House chief of staff.

In the interim, however, the failed Presidential bid is under examination with a fine-tooth comb, including an in depth look at the financial issues the campaign suffered. Many campaign contributors have questioned exactly where their contributions went in the failed campaign, prompting Clinton to take a deeper look into allegations of mistakes that were made. Efforts have resumed at the Clinton Foundation which was one area that came under intense pressure from supporters during the campaign.

“She understands that a forensic exam of the campaign is necessary, not only for her, but for the party and other electeds, and for the investors in the campaign,” said a Clinton friend who did not want to be named. “People want to know that their investment was treated with respect, but that their mistakes wouldn’t be repeated.”

It’s unclear if Hillary Clinton is an incurable optimist or if she’s just psychologically unemployable in the private sector, but it seems that we haven’t seen the last of her yet.

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