One of many examples of Hillary Clinton’s monumental incompetence and laissez faire towards killing thousands of people in the Third World remains her involvement in arming Libyan “resistance” fighters during the overthrow of the Qaddafi regime. Not only does it now seem very, very likely that Hillary Clinton was involved in a gunrunning scheme that violated a UN Security Council Resolution but resulted in arming al-Qaeda fighters who ultimately killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi but that the Department of Justice is acting with alacrity to silence anyone knowledgeable about the case.
Few businesses are more closely regulated than arms dealers who broker sales between suppliers (either manufacturers or foreign governments trying to get rid of surplus weaponry) and Third World military and police forces. In order to function, these dealers have to have the approval of their national government to carry out the sale and most operate as virtual extensions of the diplomatic or intelligence establishments. A prime example of this is Interarmco under the legendary Sam Cummings.
When civil war erupted in Libya in 2011, a guy named Marc Turi, who runs Turi Defense Group, was approached by the State Department of Hillary Clinton with a proposal that he supply arms to the Libyan rebels. This, everyone knew, was both against stated US policy and violated UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973. As State knew it could directly arm the Libyan “rebels” it came up with a scheme whereby Turi would present a thoroughly bent End User Certificate indicating the arms were destined to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. The weapons, however, were to be diverted to Libya. Clinton’s emails show that she was supportive of either this scheme or another like it:
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